Management of public research funds

Basic Guidelines for Preventing Improper Use of Public Research Funds

Based on the Guidelines on the Management and Audit of Public Research Funds at Research Institutions (Implementation Standards) (adopted by Japan's Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology on February 15, 2007; revised February 1, 2021; Japan's Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; Available in Japanese only), we established the Basic Policy for Preventing Improper Use of Public Research Funds to ensure the proper management of public research funds and the appropriate response to misconduct.

System of responsibility for managing public research funds

We have established a system of responsibility for the management of public research funds as follows.

Chief Administrative Officer Representative Director, President & CEO
Administration General Manager Head of Engineering Headquarters
Compliance Promotion General Manager General Manager of Research and Development Center

Contact for complaints / consultations on misconduct, etc.

We have established the contacts listed below to receive complaints and consultations from inside and outside the Company regarding misuse of public research funds and misconduct in research activities.