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Since its establishment in 1957, OYO Corporation has contributed to the construction of high-quality infrastructure, natural disaster-resilient urban development, the conservation and development of the natural environment, and the stable supply of natural resources and energy through our expertise in geology and geotechnics.
Human society is now facing unprecedented challenges such as climate change, the increase in natural disasters, the biodiversity crisis, the dramatic changes in social awareness and lifestyles due to pandemics, and the turmoil of the global economy due to intensifying regional conflicts.
In order to adapt to these challenges, human society is expanding its efforts to transform social and industrial structures through digital transformation (DX) and green transformation (GX).
The OYO Group is also actively developing solutions that adapt to those changes and creating new markets by utilizing open innovation with other industries and actively promoting DX and GX as well.
In addition, we position investment in "human capital" as our most important management issue, and we are strengthening our efforts for Health and Productivity Management®, human resource development, and corporate governance.
As all of the OYO Group's businesses are directly linked to the resolution of social issues, the growth of our businesses leads to the sustainable development of society.
We will strengthen the Group's earnings base through DX, GX, and human capital management while boosting our employees' vitality and creativity. Based on these efforts, we aim to grow the Group's businesses further and improve our corporate value.
Representative Director, President & CEO
Hirofumi Amano