Basic Policy for Corporate Governance

OYO Corporation (hereinafter, "the Company") will contribute to society while fulfilling our social responsibilities as a company in developing our business under the Management Philosophy and Management Vision given below. By doing so, we aim to become a company that is trusted and needed by society.


Engineer a harmony between human society
and the natural environment, sustain safety
and security of society
from an engineering approach
and achieve social contributions
through development of the Company's business


Contribute to local communities as
a comprehensive consultant of geo-science
Create new markets with unique
and innovative technologies

While striving to achieve our Management Philosophy and Management Vision, the Company and its subsidiaries (hereinafter, "the Group") will continue to enhance and strengthen corporate governance for transparent, fair, prompt, and decisive decision-making, with the goal of achieving sustainable growth and increasing corporate value over the medium- to long-term. In order to do so, we have set the Basic Policy for Corporate Governance (hereinafter, "the Basic Policy") based on resolutions by the Board of Directors.
Any revision of the Basic Policy shall be made through resolutions by the Board of Directors.

Chapter 1 Basic Concept for Corporate Governance

Basic Concept

Article 1

While maintaining appropriate relationships with stakeholders such as shareholders, investors, customers, employees, business partners, and local communities, the Company will strive to gain trust from society and contribute to building a safe, secure, and sustainable society. We will work to enhance corporate governance by positioning sustainable growth and improved corporate value over the medium- to long-term as important management themes.

  • 2.

    The Company aims to engage in sound management based on a high degree of self-discipline. Based on evaluations of the Group's actual conditions, we set appropriate targets and reliably implement highly effective measures without fail.

Chapter 2 Corporate Governance System

Section 1 Directors and Board of Directors

Roles and Responsibilities of Board of Directors

Article 2

In order to fulfill its fiduciary responsibility to shareholders, the Board of Directors determines the goals of the Group. The Board also proactively and flexibly makes decisions on basic management policies and other important company matters for the sustainable growth of the Group and the improvement of corporate value over the medium- to long-term. Another role of the Board is to appropriately monitor and supervise the execution of duties by directors.

  • 2.

    In addition to matters stipulated by laws, regulations, and the Articles of Incorporation, the Board of Directors deliberates and decides on matters stipulated by the rules of the Board of Directors, and delegates other matters to representative directors or executive directors.

Composition of the Board of Directors

Article 3

As stipulated in the Articles of Incorporation, the Board of Directors shall be composed of 10 or fewer members. In order to fulfill the roles of decision-making on important matters and monitoring / supervision, our basic approach is to ensure the establishment of systems required to manage the execution of business by the Group and systems required to ensure substantive discussion at the Board of Directors.

  • 2.

    In principle, the Company shall have at least one-third of its directors be independent outside directors who satisfy the "Standards for Independence of Outside Officers." This is done in order to ensure the ability to advise and supervise management from an outside perspective.

Nomination of Director Candidates and Appointment, Dismissal, Etc., of Senior Management

Article 4

Director candidates shall possess extensive experience in management, etc., and have excellent character and insight. Personal attributes such as gender and nationality shall not be considered.

  • 2.

    Outside director candidates shall be able to supervise management from an independent outside perspective and provide advice on the Group's corporate activities based on a variety of extensive experience.

  • 3.

    The nomination of director candidates and the appointment and dismissal of senior management shall be deliberated and decided by the Board of Directors with advice and recommendations from the Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee.

Appointment and Dismissal of Chief Executive Officer

Article 5

When selecting a Chief Executive Officer, the Board of Directors shall consider the ability to lead company management toward the sustainable growth of the Group and the improvement of corporate value over the medium- to long-term.

  • 2.

    The appointment and dismissal of the Chief Executive Officer shall be deliberated and decided upon by directors with advice and recommendations from the Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee.

Initiatives to Improve the Effectiveness of the Board of Directors

Article 6

The Board of Directors will make the following efforts to improve the effectiveness of the Board of Directors.

Information Provision
  • (1)

    In order to promote lively discussions at meetings of the Board of Directors, the executive officers, etc., in charge shall attend Board of Directors meetings and explain matters to be discussed as necessary.

  • (2)

    The Board of Directors will ensure sufficient time and frequency for deliberations by the Board. If necessary, the Board will distribute materials related to matters to be discussed prior to the date of the Board meeting and provide advance explanations. Through such efforts, the Board will strive to sufficiently provide information.

  • (3)

    Prior to the start of the business year, the Board of Directors will notify each director and corporate auditor of the scheduled date of meetings of the Board of Directors for the next business year.

Concurrent Positions as Officers of Other Companies If a director concurrently serves as an officer, etc., of a listed company other than the Company, approval shall be obtained in advance from the Board of Directors.
Self-Evaluation The Board of Directors conducts self-evaluation by each director every year. Based on this information, the Board analyzes and evaluates the effectiveness of the Board as a whole and strives to improve the effectiveness of the Board.

Policy for Determining Director Remuneration and Remuneration System, Etc.

Article 7

The director remuneration system is designed to increase motivation for contributing to improved business performance not only in the short-term but also in the medium- to long-term, thereby enabling continuous improvement of the Group's corporate value.

  • 2.

    The remuneration of directors (excluding outside directors) consists of fixed remuneration that is not linked to business performance, executive bonuses that are linked to the consolidated performance of the relevant business year, and stock remuneration in the form of a Board Benefit Trust that fluctuates according to the achievement status of medium-term plans, etc.

  • 3.

    Remuneration for outside directors shall consist only of fixed remuneration that is not linked to performance.

  • 4.

    The Board of Directors consults the Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee on remuneration proposals for directors, and makes decisions based on the Committee's deliberations and reports.

Conflict of Interest Transactions

Article 8

Before conducting transactions with the Company's directors, corporate auditors, major shareholders, etc., the Group must obtain approval from the Board of Directors through predetermined procedures in order to prevent said transactions from harming the interests of the Company and the common interests of its shareholders, except for cases in which it is obvious that the transaction conditions are the same as general transactions.

  • 2.

    The Group will report to the Board of Directors regarding the results of transactions between the Group and the Company's directors, corporate auditors, major shareholders, etc., that were approved by the Board of Directors.

Section 2 Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee

Establishment and Role of the Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee

Article 9

With the aim of ensuring fair and highly transparent procedures for the nomination of directors and corporate auditors, the procedures for determining director remuneration, the appointment and dismissal of senior management, and the appointment and dismissal of the CEO, we will establish the Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee as an advisory body of the Board of Directors.

  • 2.

    The Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee shall fulfill the roles of a Nomination Advisory Committee and a Remuneration Advisory Committee.

Composition of the Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee

Article 10

The Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee shall be composed of three or more directors, the majority of whom shall be outside directors, and the chairperson of the committee shall be the Representative Director & President. Furthermore, outside corporate auditors may attend the committee as observers.

Consultation Matters, Etc.

Article 11

The Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee receives requests for consultation on the following matters, deliberates on those matters, and reports to the Board of Directors.

  • (1)

    Matters related to the election of candidates for directors and corporate auditors and the dismissal of directors and corporate auditors to be submitted to the General Meeting of Shareholders

  • (2)

    Matters concerning the selection and dismissal of the representative director (CEO)

  • (3)

    Matters related to the appointment of independent officers (including matters concerning the review of standards for independence of outside officers)

  • (4)

    Matters related to policy and decision-making methods for remuneration of directors

  • (5)

    Matters concerning remuneration for individual directors

  • (6)

    Other matters for which the Board of Directors have requested consultation

Section 3 Executive Officers

Basic Assignment

Article 12

In order to strengthen the execution of business in each region and business field, and to make prompt and appropriate management decisions, the Company will assign executive officers responsible for business execution to major organizations by region and business field, as well as to each division and department of the head office.

  • 2.

    The Company has established a Board of Executive Officers, as well as Executive Officer Regulations and Regulations for the Board of Executive Officers which clarify the scope of authority and decision-making process given to executive officers. In this way, the Company has established a system for enabling prompt and appropriate management decisions.

Policy for Election of Executive Officers

Article 13

Upon proposals from the Representative Director & President, the Board of Directors will appoint persons capable of executing certain important business operations of the Group in the role of executive officers.

  • 2.

    Executive officers shall possess expertise in the Company's business and operations, and have excellent character and insight. Personal attributes such as gender and nationality shall not be considered.

Section 4 Corporate Auditors and Board of Corporate Auditors

Roles and Responsibilities of Corporate Auditors and Board of Corporate Auditors

Article 14

Based on their fiduciary responsibilities to shareholders, the main role and duty of corporate auditors and the Board of Corporate Auditors is to conduct business audits and accounting audits, such as auditing the execution of duties by directors, appointing and dismissing outside independent auditors, and exercising authority in relation to audit fees. However, without overly narrowing the scope of one's own defense, corporate auditors will strive to achieve high-quality auditing activities by dynamically and proactively exercising authority, and appropriately providing opinions on overall management at the Board of Directors or to the management from an independent and objective standpoint.

  • 2.

    The Board of Corporate Auditors will increase the effectiveness of audits by organically combining the independent perspectives of outside corporate auditors with information such as information obtained by statutory corporate auditors through attending important meetings and information obtained through interviews with management, Group companies, and offices.

Nomination of Corporate Auditor and Alternate Corporate Auditor Candidates

Article 15

Candidates for corporate auditors and alternate corporate auditors must be individuals of outstanding character and insight, who are well versed in company management and the Company's operations, who possess a high level of expertise and abundant experience in fields such as law, government, accounting, and education, and who are capable of appropriately performing audit work. Personal attributes such as gender and nationality shall not be considered.

  • 2.

    Candidates for corporate auditors and alternate corporate auditors are decided upon based on the content of deliberations and reports of the Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee. Consent must be obtained from the Board of Corporate Auditors before making such a decision.

Section 5 Independent Auditors

Policy on Reappointment, Dismissal, Non-Reappointment and Selection of Independent Auditors

Article 16

The Board of Corporate Auditors will formulate basic policy on the reappointment, dismissal, non-reappointment, and selection of independent auditors.

  • 2.

    Pursuant to the provisions of Article 340 of the Companies Act, the Board of Corporate Auditors will deliberate upon dismissal in the event that an independent auditor is found to have breached their duties or neglected their duties, or to have engaged in misconduct unsuitable for an independent auditor. If a resolution is passed to dismiss an independent auditor based on the unanimous consent of corporate auditors, the Board of Corporate Auditors will decide upon the content of reports at the General Meeting of Shareholders or the content of the dismissal proposal.

  • 3.

    The Board of Corporate Auditors will formulate evaluation standards (independence, expertise, quality control system, etc.) for independent auditors with reference to materials such as the practical guidelines of the Japan Audit & Supervisory Board Members Association. The Board will evaluate independent auditors based on these evaluation standards. If a resolution is passed for non-reappointment, the Board will decide on the content of the non-reappointment proposal for the General Meeting of Shareholders.

  • 4.

    The Board of Corporate Auditors will formulate selection standards for independent auditors in preparation for a resolution to dismiss or not to reappoint an independent auditor, while referring to materials such as the practical guidelines of the Japan Audit & Supervisory Board Members Association. If the Board of Corporate Auditors selects an independent auditor, it shall decide on the content of the appointment proposal for the independent auditor for the General Meeting of Shareholders.

Response to Audits by Independent Auditors

Article 17

The Board of Directors and the Board of Corporate Auditors will develop the systems necessary for proper audits by independent auditors.

  • 2.

    In order to conduct appropriate audits, the Company will formulate an audit schedule in consultation with independent auditors. The Company will also take necessary response, such as creating opportunities for communication between independent auditors, representative directors, corporate auditors, the Internal Audit Department, and outside directors.

  • 3.

    If an independent auditor requests that the Company take appropriate action, the director in charge will take the lead in investigating and correcting the matter under the direction of a representative director. The Board of Corporate Auditors, led by statutory corporate auditors, will also conduct investigations and take necessary corrective measures through cooperation with the Internal Audit Department and related departments.

Section 6 Training for Directors and Corporate Auditors

Training for Directors and Corporate Auditors

Article 18

As necessary, the Company provides directors (excluding outside directors) and statutory corporate auditors with training on related laws and regulations, as well as on the Group's business, finance and internal control systems, etc. Furthermore, in order to deepen understanding toward the Group among outside directors and outside corporate auditors, we will provide the necessary information by utilizing various reporting sessions and presentations held in-house.

Chapter 3 Ensuring Shareholder Rights and Equality

General Meeting of Shareholders

Article 19

The Company will secure a period for shareholders to consider proposals for the General Meeting of Shareholders and strive to create an environment such as the schedule of the General Meeting of Shareholders that allows shareholders to exercise their voting rights appropriately.

Ensuring Shareholder Rights

Article 20

The Company will ensure the equality of shareholders, implement capital policy that does not unduly impair the rights of shareholders, and give due consideration to the exercise of rights granted to minority shareholders.

  • 2.

    In the event that a considerable number of votes were cast against a passed proposal at the General Meeting of Shareholders, the Board of Directors will analyze the reasons for the opposition and the reasons for the large number of votes against said proposal, and then consider the necessary response.

Basic Principle for Capital Policy

Article 21

The Company will maintain a strong and stable financial base, improve profit margins and asset efficiency, and strive to increase medium- to long-term corporate value and shareholder interests through appropriate shareholder returns.

  • 2.

    The Company positions the return of profits to shareholders as a key issue for management, and makes it our basic principle to pay out stable dividends maintaining a consolidated dividend payout ratio in the range of 30-50%, while enhancing our profitability and strengthening our financial base.

  • 3.

    The Company will also consider flexible purchase and retirement of treasury stock depending on the status of holding of treasury stock, financial conditions, and market conditions.

  • 4.

    Due to how our business involves many transactions with the public sector, the Company needs to secure a certain amount of working capital. Cash and deposits exceeding this amount will be positioned as funds for research and development, capital investment, corporate growth strategies, and shareholder returns, and retained earnings will be managed with due consideration to asset efficiency.

Basic Policy for Cross-Shareholdings

Article 22

From the perspective of improving the corporate value of the Group over the medium- to long-term, the Company may strategically hold its shares for the purpose of building, maintaining, and strengthening relationships with business partners, business alliance partners, etc.

  • 2.

    While considering factors such as the Company's capital costs, the Board of Directors conducts annual reviews for the significance and rationality of individual cross-shareholdings. If there is little significance to the cross-shareholdings, the Board will consider sale of the shareholdings.

  • 3.

    When exercising voting rights for cross-shareholdings, the Company will comprehensively evaluate whether to approve or disapprove of the proposals by scrutinizing them from the perspective of improving corporate value in the medium- to long-term for investee companies and the Company, as well as consideration of corporate governance.

Constructive Dialogue With Shareholders, Etc., and Provision of Information

Article 23

The Company has established a department in charge of promoting constructive dialogue with parties such as shareholders. In order to foster proper understanding for the medium- to long-term corporate value of the Group, based on recognition of shareholder composition, we will promptly, fairly, and accurately provide not only financial information but also management strategy, progress of medium-term plans, non-financial information for sustainable growth, and other information useful to shareholders and investors in making investment decisions.

  • 2.

    The Company will actively disseminate information on the Company and the Group to shareholders and other parties through our website, shareholder reports, exhibitions, etc. Our top executives will hold informal meetings with shareholders and give explanations at IR Meetings on financial results, and our executives in charge will respond to interviews. Through such efforts, we will promote constructive dialogue with shareholders, etc.

  • 3.

    The Company will establish a system to reflect the opinions of shareholders and other parties in management.

  • 4.

    Departments that engage in dialogue with shareholders, etc., will provide training on the handling of insiders and confidential information, and will strive to engage in appropriate dialogue with shareholders while complying with relevant internal rules.

Implementation of Anti-Takeover Measures, Etc.

Article 24

When the Board of Directors introduces so-called anti-takeover measures or rules for holding a large amount of the Company's shares, the Board of Directors shall follow appropriate procedures in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. The Board will also work to explain to stakeholders (shareholders and other investors) that the purpose of such measures and rules is to contribute to the common interests of shareholders, not to protect management.

Chapter 4 Relationships With Stakeholders

Relationships With Stakeholders

Article 25

The Company recognizes that the sustainable growth of the Group and medium- to long-term improvement of our corporate value are the result of the provision of resources and contributions by stakeholders such as customers, employees, business partners, and local communities. Based on this recognition, we strive to build appropriate relationships with stakeholders.

  • 2.

    In order to contribute to the construction of a sustainable society through our business activities, we will provide society with services and products that are useful in resolving issues such as natural disaster prevention, disaster mitigation, and the global environment.

  • 3.

    The Company will demonstrate our values within the Company. We recognize that efforts to solve issues for the sustainable growth of the Group are one of the most important risk management measures. In order to encourage concrete actions for growth, we have established standards of conduct such as our Management Philosophy, Management Vision, Code of Conduct, and Guiding Principles for Corporate Social Responsibility.

  • 4.

    The Company strives to create an environment in which the Company's employees and business partners can work with peace of mind. For example, we have established a whistleblowing system for reporting suspicions of illegal or inappropriate acts, and rules to protect the rights of whistleblowers.

  • 5.

    The Company will create a working environment in which employees who have restrictions on working hours due to childcare, nursing care, etc., can demonstrate their abilities, and will ensure diversity of human resources by hiring without regard to characteristics such as gender and nationality.

Ensuring Appropriate Information Disclosure and Transparency

Article 26

In order to further increase the trust and sympathy of shareholders, investors, and society, the Company actively communicates our efforts to improve corporate value over the medium- to long-term, and promptly and accurately discloses management policies and financial information such as financial results.

  • 2.

    For legal disclosure materials such as consolidated financial results, securities reports, and convocation notices, we will thoroughly disclose correct content at the appropriate time based on relevant laws and regulations.

  • 3.

    In order to ensure the transparency of legal disclosure materials, etc., we will select an appropriate outside independent auditor. We will strive to create an environment that facilitates good communication between the outside independent auditor and the Company.

  • 4.

    We will ascertain the ratio of foreign investors in the shareholder composition of the Company and their degree of interest in the Company, and will provide information in English to a reasonable extent.

Revision date: December 14, 2018

Standards for Independence of Outside Officers

The Company determines that an outside officer has sufficient independence from the Company if the outside officer meets the following requirements.

  • 1.

    The outside officer is neither a former employee nor a person executing business (Note 1) of the Company, the Company's consolidated subsidiaries, or the Company's equity method affiliates (hereinafter, "the Group"). Furthermore, none of the outside officer's close relatives, etc. (Note 2) have been a person executing business of the Group during the past five years.

  • 2.

    None of the following items apply to the outside officer at present or in the past 10 years.

    • (1) 

      A person who is a major shareholder (Note 3) of the Company, or a close relative, etc., of such a person. If the major shareholder is a legal entity, a person executing business of said legal entity.

    • (2) 

      A person executing business of a major business partner (Note 4) of the Company, or a person executing business of a company whose main business partner is the Company.

    • (3) 

      A person executing business of a major lender (Note 5) of the Company.

    • (4) 

      A person executing business of the lead managing underwriter of the Company.

    • (5) 

      A person who belongs to an auditing firm that conducts legal audits of the Company.

    • (6) 

      A person who belongs to a law firm or a consulting company that has entered into an advisory contract with the Company.

    • (7) 

      A person who receives a large amount (Note 6) of money, etc., other than officer remuneration from the Company.

    • (8) 

      A person executing business at the site of mutual appointment of an officer of the Company.

    • (9) 

      A person executing business of an organization that receives a large amount of donations or subsidies (Note 7) from the Company.

  • 3.

    None of the items (1) to (9) above apply to the outside officer's close relatives, etc.

  • 4.

    At the time of election of officers, the total term of outside officers of the Company must not exceed 10 years.

  • Note 1 A "person executing business" is an executive director, corporate officer, executive officer, manager, or other employee.
  • Note 2A "close relative, etc." is a spouse or relative within the second degree of kinship.
  • Note 3A "major shareholder" is a shareholder whose voting rights ratio exceeds 10% at the end of the business year.
  • Note 4A "major business partner" is a business partner of the Company whose annual transaction value exceeds 2% of the consolidated sales of the Company or of the consolidated sales of the counterparty in the average of the past three business years.
  • Note 5A "major lender" is a financial institution from which the Group has borrowed a total balance that exceeds 2% of the consolidated total assets of the Company or the financial institution at the end of the business year.
  • Note 6A "large amount" refers to an amount of consideration received that exceeds 10 million yen per year on average over the past three years.
  • Note 7An "organization that receives a large amount of donations or subsidies" is an organization that has received average annual donations or subsidies of over 10 million yen from the Company over the past three years.