Corporate Information
When was OYO Corporation established?
It was established as OYO Geological Survey Office on May 2, 1957.
When was OYO listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange?
OYO was listed on the second section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in 1991 and on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in 1995.
Please tell me your history so far.
Please refer to "OYO's History".
I would like to know your company profile, such as your business and number of employees.
Please refer to "Corporate Profile".
Please tell me about your management strategy and business plan.
Please refer to "Medium-Term Business Plan".
What are your competitive edges?
We have geological databases accumulated for over 60 years and plenty of knowledge in the fields of infrastructure maintenance, natural disaster prevention and mitigation, environment, and natural resources and energy. We also have the information technology divisions and instrument divisions that can convert those databases and knowledge into solutions. We are able to create unique services that other companies do not have. (For details, please refer to "Integrated Report / Corporate Report")
Please tell me about overseas business.
We are operating in the fields of natural resources and energy, infrastructure maintenance, and natural disaster prevention and mitigation mainly through U.S. subsidiaries. Our domestic business divisions also provide services and products abroad.
When are the financial results announced?
Please refer to "IR Calendar".
Where can I see the latest financial results?
Please refer to "Consolidated Financial Results".
I would like to OYO's financial performance summary.
Please refer to "Performance / Financial Information".
When is the fiscal year-end?
It is December 31.
When is the financial results announcement date?
As soon as it is determined, it will be announced in the "IR Calendar".
Shareholders and Shares
When is the general meeting of shareholders?
Please refer to "Annual General Meeting of Shareholders".
Who is the shareholder registry administrator?
Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd.
In which stock exchange is OYO listed?
We are listed in the first section of Tokyo Stock Exchange.
What is OYO's security code?
It is 9755.
What is the number of shares per share unit?
Who are OYO's major shareholders? What is the number of outstanding shares?
Please refer to "Basic Shares Information".
Please explain your dividend policy
We position the return of profits to shareholders as a key issue for management and make it our basic policy to pay out stable dividends, maintaining a consolidated dividend payout ratio in the range of 30-50%, while enhancing our profitability and strengthening our financial base. In addition, we will also consider flexible purchase and retirement of treasury shares depending on financial conditions and market conditions.
How much is OYO's dividend?
Please refer to "Shareholder Returns".
When are the record dates to the entitled for dividends?
December 31 for year-end dividend and June 30 for the interim dividend.
Where can I find information on share transfers, shares administration procedures such as change of address?
Please refer to "Basic Shares Information".
Please tell me about your environmental conservation and social contribution activities.
Please refer to "Sustainability".
Please tell me about your personal information protection policy.
Please refer to "Privacy Policy".
I would like to make other inquiries, but please tell us the contact information.
Please refer to "Contact Us".