Realizing a Decarbonized Society
Basic Philosophy
Our Group, based on the Group's environmental policy, is committed to working towards the realization of a "carbon-neutral society", a "resource-circulating society", and a
"nature-friendly society" in our business and organizational activities.
In our challenge to achieve a decarbonized society, we actively promote renewable energy projects such as offshore wind power generation and support services for decarbonized urban development, while also being committed to reducing CO2 emissions through organizational efforts. Additionally, we contribute to decarbonization through initiatives such as work style reforms, digital transformation (DX), and the development of new geological survey technologies that lead to the reduced usage of fossil fuels.
Contributing to the realization of a decarbonized society through business activities
Support services for offshore wind power generation projects
Offshore wind power generation is considered a key player in achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. Efficient seabed surveys are crucial for designing the foundations of wind turbines and the layout designs for offshore wind power plants. Through the development of our own proprietary technologies and the installation of additional survey scaffolding (steel turrets), we have been able to increase the efficiency of seabed surveys which in turn enables us to meet the rapidly expanding demand, contributing to the widespread adoption of offshore wind power generation.
Support services for decarbonized urban development
In the city of Mikasa, Hokkaido, we are actively engaged in an initiative that utilizes regional resources such as woody biomass and CO2-free hydrogen produced through
underground coal gasification to create new regional development projects and promote decarbonized urban development.
We play a significant role in this project by safely storing the CO2 generated during underground coal gasification with our Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)
Contributing to the realization of a decarbonized society through organizational activities
Remote site operations
In geological surveys conducted in mountainous areas like dam construction sites, tasks such as on-site inspections by clients and safety patrols by our employees can often require long-distance commuting by car. To reduce the CO2 emissions associated with these tasks, we utilize wearable cameras and online conferencing systems to perform them remotely instead.
Geothermal energy utilization
The temperature beneath the Earth's surface remains relatively constant throughout the year, with it being a little lower than the actual temperatures in the summer and a little higher in the winter. Geothermal energy uses this temperature difference to create an efficient cooling / heating system. Our Tohoku office has installed this geothermal-based air conditioning system, contributing to energy savings and a reduction in CO2 emissions.
Promoting remote work styles
We actively promote remote work for our staff as part of our work style reforms and efforts to create a more employee-friendly work environment. The widespread adoption of this work style is expected to lead to a reduction in power consumption at the office and a decrease in CO2 emissions due to less commuting / travel for work.
Development of low-CO2 surveyance technologies
Seabed surveys for offshore wind power facilities often require multiple vessels for the transport of equipment, scaffolding installation and on-site inspections, and these vessels consume a significant amount of fossil fuels. Our company has developed new technologies that allow for efficient and far reaching seabed surveys without the need for large vessels, which has enabled us to reduce the CO2 emissions from our operations.
We have been selected as a "Zero Emissions Challenge Company"
Our company has been selected as a "Zero Emissions Challenge Company" by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
This recognition is awarded to companies that actively challenge themselves in innovation to achieve a decarbonized society, and the designation was announced during the TCFD Summit in
28 projects implemented by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) in association with the "Environmental Innovation Strategy" were chosen, and our
contributions were acknowledged in two projects: "Research and Development of CO2 Storage Technologies for Safe CCS Implementation" under Research and Development for CCUS,
and "Innovative Technology Development for Exploratory Well Drilling" under Research and Development for Supercritical Geothermal Power Generation Technology.